Professional LoR - What to Include?

An important part of your graduate application packet are your letters of recommendation. These letters certify your credibility in your field and your ability to pursue graduate studies in that discipline. It is recommended that you get atleast one recommendation from a professional source under whom you have worked or have done an internship. It depicts your commitment in the professional environment.

Most of the times the recommendor asks you to draft a LoR, which he/she may modify and send to the university. Here is a list of points which you should include while drafting a professional LoR:
  • Nature of job/position held.
  • Responsibilities held/ describe job profile and some points about your growth in the firm.
  • Projects under him/her with appropriate description.
  • Team Assignments if any and comments on individual responsibility in the group.
  • Practical aspects related to Positions Held and your interest in this aspect.
  • Aptitude in this Field/ or closely related aspect that the recommender is aware of.
  • Teamwork skills, group behaviour and interpersonal management.
  • Motivation level.
  • Presentation skills.
  • Qualities & Strengths.
  • Additional comments: achievements, laurels and certificates of appreciation, promotions etc., sponsorship or award bonus. Etc.

For the format and samples of LoRs, click here


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