Academic LoR - What to Include?

Almost all graduate programs require to submit Letter of Recommendations(LoR) from the faculty members that have taught you. These LoRs are integral part of your application packet. LoR's issued by professors have more significance than by those issued by people in industry. The reason for this is that professors tend to believe what other professors say. Its kind of a academia bonding between them.

Most of the times the recommendor asks you to draft a LoR, which he/she may modify and send to the university. Here is a list of points which you should include while drafting the LoR:
  • Subjects studied in the course program and a few details of the subject that interest you
  • Subjects taught by him/her and few details about it
  • How many years of association
  • Projects under him/her: or any achievement under his/her guidance.
  • Team Assignments if any or any socio/cultural event also under his/her guidance.
  • Practical aspects related to subject taught: or practical training of any sort , e.g.: market research, surveys, group events and competitions.
  • Aptitude in this Field or one of the multiple subjects or related subject and specify.
  • Motivation in this or related Subject
  • Teamwork Skills, Presentation Skills, Qualities & Strengths
  • Additional Comments on student’s talent or skills or special achievement. Or socio/cultural position held.

For the format and samples of LoRs, click here


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