Format for Bank Statements

If you are an international student applying for US universities, you will need to submit bank statements covering your first year of expenses. All bank statements should be submitted in original - no photocopies are allowed. So, you need to get multiple copies if you need to submit financial documents to multiple universities.

The bank statements should be on the bank letterhead certifying the amount of liquid funds you hold in the account. Funds in your savings account and fixed deposits are considered as liquid assets. The general format of these statements is as follows:

To Whom It may Concern


This is to certify that our client ________________father of _________________ resident of ___________________ is banking with us for the last _________ years. He is currently holding funds of amounting Rupees _____________ equivalent to US$ ________________ in his current bank account and are liquefiable at customer's interest.

Yours truly,

Branch Manager



March 31, 2008 at 6:19 AM

Can we send attested photocopies of our bank passbooks showing the amount of funds we have?

  Destination USA

April 5, 2008 at 12:55 AM

It is recommended that you get an original bank letter on the letter-head assuring you have the required liquid funds.

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